Dužina trajanja: 90 – 180 min

Teme/Muzičke oblasti: Tehnike sviranja, muzička teorija i improvizacija, razni muzički stilovi, metodika vežanja, parni/neparni ritmovi, teme po dogovoru.

Bukiranje: contact ili vladabass@gmail.com ili preko profilnih stranica na društvenim mrežama u DM

O BAS radionici: Za mene su BAS RADIAONICE više od predavanja. Ja volim da pričam o raznim tehničko-teorijskim temama vezane za bas gitaru, kako vežbati, kako popraviti tehniku, kako primeniti na zabavan i efikasan način muzičku teoriju itd.. ali isto tako volim kada na radionici postoji ne samo dodatno bas pojačalo već i bubnjarski set, kao i pojačalo za gitaru i klavijature, tako da tokom predavanja mogu da se ukluče u rad/sviranje i drugi instrumentalisti. Volim da razmenjujem mišljenja i iskustva sa drugim muzičarima jer tako i ja napredujem. Niko nije isti. 

Džez festival JAZZIK 2017, Subotica

Studentsko iskustvo: Ja sam imao tu sreću i privilegiju (znam da mnogi muzičari širom sveta nemaju te mogućnosti), da kao student na akademiji Berklee College of Music u Bostonu prisustvujem nekim nezaboravim javnim predavanjima, kako za bas gitaru tako i grupnim za ceo band pa i za udaraljke. 

Posebno se sećam bas radionica koje su održali legendarni basisti Alphonso Johnson, Victor Bailey, Victor Wooten, Daryll Johnes, zatim grupnih radionica (ensemble workshops) koje su pre koncerata u Berklee Performance Center-u održali sastavi Yellojeckets (Jimmy Haslip, bas), Bela Flack and The Flackstones (Victor Wooten, bas), Jungle Trio (Doug Wimbish, bas) kao i jedne od najznačajnijih koju sam ikada posetio, radionica za ritam, indijskog perkusioniste Trichy Sankarana na tradicionalnoj udaraljci “mrdangam”. Posle ove radionice termine “vreme” i “ritam” u muzici nisam više posmatrao na isti način. 

Sve one su imale veliki  značaj za mene i sigurno uticale da i ja, ne mnogo kasnije i sam počnem da ih držim sa velikim uživanjem.  

SKC Kragujevac, 2019

Kao predavač: Prvu BAS radionicu sam održao 2001. godine u mom radnog gradu Novom Sadu u okviru Novosadakog Jazz festivala, ubrzo nakon povratka sa Berklee koledža, a na predlog Kulturnog Centra iz Novog Sada. Od tada pa do danas, više od 20 godina držim javne časove širom Srbije i regiona, ne samo u vezi sa sviranjem bas gitare već i sa improvizacijom, muzičkom teorijom, muzičkim stilovima kao i sa sviranjem u grupi (ensemble workshops). 

Na poziv poznatog hrvatskog gitariste i kompozitora Elvisa Stanića, bio sam član mentorskog tima dva puta na međunardnoj jazz raionici,  Jazz ExTepore u Opatiji (HR), 2006. i 2012. godine zajedno sa Luis Bonilla (SAD) -trombon, Amar Češljar (BiH) – bubnjevi, Adriana Vasquez (ENG) – klavijature, Leon Angel Rodriguez (KUBA) – bubnjevi i perkusije, Karen Asatrian (JER/A) – klavir i klavijature.  

Letnji jazz kamp 2019, Grožnjan (Hrvatska)

2018 – 2019 sam učestvovao sam u radu Letnjeg džez kampa u Grožnjanu (HR) u društvu sa Luis Bonilla (USA) – trombon, Dick Oats (SAD) – alto sax, Thana Alexa (SAD/HR) – glas i efekti, Alex Sipiagin (SAD) – truba, Joe Kaplowitz (SAD/HR) – klavir, Lela Kaplowitz (HR) – glas, Goran Rukavina (HR) – kontrabas, Elvis Stanić (HR) – gitara, John Riley (SAD) – bubnjevi. 

Tokom jazz festivala “ Jazz is Back!” koji se održava u istom periodu u Grožnjanu imao sa prilike da nastupam i sa bubnjarima John Riley, Antonio Sanchez, Horacio “El Negro” Hernandez, David Tull, Famadou Don Moye (Art Ensemble of Chicago) i Karl Heinz Miklin Jr. 

Ovde je video sa nastupa na festivalu JAZZ IS BACK 2019. u Grožnjanu tokom Letnjeg Jazz Kampa:


Duration: 90 – 180 min

Themes/Musical areas: Different techniques, music theory and improvisation, various musical styles, practicing methods, ensemble playing/rhythm section. 

Booking: contact, vladabass@gmail.com or through profile pages on social networks in DM

About masterclass: For me, Bass masterclasses are more than lectures. I like to talk about various technical-theoretical topics related to the bass guitar, how to practice, how to improve the technique, etc.. but I also like when the workshop has not only an additional bass amplifier but also a drum set, as well as an amplifier for guitar and keyboards so that other instrumentalists can join in the work/playing during the lecture. I like to exchange opinions and experiences with other musicians, that is also the way I develop as a bass player. No one is the same.

Jazz festival JAZZIK 2017, Subotica (Serbia)

As a student: I had the good fortune and the privilege, of knowing that many musicians in the world do not have this opportunity, that as a student at Berklee College of Music I attended some unforgettable master class lectures, both for bass guitar and group classes for the whole band, but also for percussion. 

I especially remember Bass masterclasses by Alphonso Johnson, Victor Bailey, Victor Wooten, and Daryll Johnes, then group masterclasses (ensemble workshops) Yellowjackets (Jimmy Haslip, bass), Bela Flack and The Flackstones (Victor Wooten, bass), Jungle Trio (Doug Wimbish, bass). But one of the most important I have ever visited is the rhythm workshop of the Indian percussionist Trichy Shankaran (mrdangam). That public lecture totally changed the way I approached and understood the rhythm and time. All of them had great significance for me and certainly influenced me to start keeping them with great enjoyment after studying music.

Student Culture Center, SKC KG 2019, Kragujevac (Serbia)

As a lecturer: I held my first bass workshop in 2001 in my working city of Novi Sad as part of the Novi Sad Jazz Festival, shortly after returning from Berklee College of Music, at the suggestion of the Cultural Center from Novi Sad. From then until today, for more than 20 years, I have been giving public lessons throughout Serbia and the region, not only about playing the bass guitar but also in connection with improvisation, music theory, musical styles as well as playing in a group (ensemble).

At the invitation of the famous Croatian guitarist and composer Elvis Stanić, I was a member of the mentor team twice at the international jazz workshop, Jazz ExTepore in Opatija (CRO), in 2006 and 2012 together with Luis Bonilla (USA) – trombone, Amar Češljar (BiH) – drums, Adriana Vasquez (GB) – keys, Leon Angel Rodriguez (CUBA) – drums, Karen Asatrian (JER/AU) – piano.

Summer Jazz Camp 2019, Grožnjan (Croatia)

2018 – 2019 as a bass guitar teacher I participated in the work of the Summer Jazz Camp in Grožnjan (HR) in the company of Luis Bonilla (USA) – trombone, Dick Oats (USA) – sax, Thana Alexa (USA/CRO) – vocals, Alex Sipiagin (USA) – trumpet, Joe Kaplowitz (USA/CRO) – piano, Lela Kaplowitz (CRO) – vocals, Goran Rukavina (CRO) – upright acoustic bass, Elvis Stanić (CRO) – guitar, John Riley (USA) – drums. 

During the jazz festival “Jazz is Back!” which takes place in the same period in Grožnjan, I had the opportunity to perform with drummers John Riley, Antonio Sanchez, Horacio “El Negro” Hernandez, David Tull, Karl Heinz Miklin Jr. and Famadou Don Moye (Art Ensemble of Chicago).

Here is the video from the performance at the JAZZ IS BACK 2019 festival in Grožnjan during the Summer Jazz Camp:


Bass Masterclass Banja Luka (BiH) 2019

Dom Omladine Banja Luka

Bass & Music Workshop Mostar (BiH) 2019

Mostar Rock School

Bass Masterclass Kragujevac (SRB) 2019

SKC Kragujevac