First Ex-Yu instrumental album in Dolby Atmos audio format!
About Catching The Wind Dolby Atmos
Nenad Simsic, Dolby Atmos Audio Mix and Mastering
“Album has been mixed at Audio 914 immersive sound studio in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, between September and December 2022.
New album
About Album
Adam Baruch "The Soundtrack of My life"
Basista Magazine No.7
About this edition
Milan Srdanović, editor (ENG)
“In this issue, we have dedicated the front page and the story to our prominent bassist, composer and lecturer Vladimir Samardžić, who released the excellent album “Catching the Wind” in 2022 (SKC NS, 2022). The new bass lesson in Vladimir’s educational column contains a transcription of the theme and bass line of his composition GARI’S BLUES from the mentioned album, which completes the topic dedicated to BLUES from the previous two issues.
The new issue brings interesting interviews with three bassists, Nenad Vasilić, Jovan Jovanović and Lordan Muzaferija. There are also recommendations for listening to new releases, reviews by Milica Božović as well as standard columns written by Dalibor Vučić and Ivana Ilić.”
Milan Srdanović, urednik (SRB)
“U ovom broju naslovnu stranu i priču posvetili smo našem istaknutom basisti, kompozitoru i predavaču Vladimiru Samardžiću koji je 2022. objavio odličan album “Catching the Wind” (SKC NS, 2022). Nova bas lekcija u Vladimirovoj edukativnoj kolumni sadrži transkripciju teme i bas linije njegove kompozicije GARI’S BLUES sa pomenutog albuma čime je kompletirana tema posvećena Bluzu iz prethodna dva broja.
Novi broj donosi interesantne intervjue sa trojicom basista, Nenadom Vasilićem, Jovanom Jovanovićem i Lordanom Muzaferijom. Tu su i preporuke za slušanje novih izdanja, recenzije Milice Božović kao i standradne kolumne koje uređuju Dalibor Vučić i Ivana Ilić.”